Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is a complex hormonal disorder that affects millions of women worldwide, causing symptoms such as irregular periods, weight gain, acne, hair loss, and infertility. As a naturopathic practitioner, I understand the unique challenges that women with PCOS face. It can be a confusing disorder and women do not always present in the textbook way. I have a lot of experience in this area and can help.

First off, it’s important to determine the specific driver of your PCOS. Key 4 different underlying functional causes are: insulin resistance, inflammation, post-pill hormonal changes and/or adrenal dysregulation. To provide you with the correct treatment, I need to assess which is your root cause first.

Through a comprehensive evaluation of your health history, reviewing prior blood work and ultrasound reports, lifestyle factors, and additional laboratory tests, I will develop an individualized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and goals.

My approach to managing PCOS may include dietary and lifestyle modifications, herbal medicine, nutritional supplements, stress management techniques, and other natural therapies. By addressing underlying imbalances in hormones, metabolism, and inflammation, I aim to restore balance to your hormones and your life.

Whether you're struggling with infertility, weight management, or hormonal imbalances, I can help educate you more about your condition and empower you to take control of your health. Together, we'll work towards achieving hormonal balance, improving fertility, enhancing mood and energy levels, and promoting overall well-being.

I take a wholistic view of your health.

During your initial assessment, we will chat about both your physical symptoms and also any mental health or emotional factors that might be having an impact on your overall health.

There are several biomedical tests we can do to see if your body needs support to create balance.

This gives us a clear picture of your health and the areas that need support. Functional Testing takes all the guesswork out of your treatment and gives us a clear and concise path for treatment moving forward.

I am ready to help you.

Book your initial appointment today.