Mental Health & Stress Support

Everyone can struggle with mental health at different times throughout their life.

How this manifests for each person varies widely. It might be showing up as anxiety or depression, or it might be feelings of overwhelm, low mood or chronic stress.

Underlying emotional stress or mental health issues can be the cause of so many physical health issues.

Some physical symptoms that can be impacted may include:

  • Hormonal imbalance

  • Weight gain

  • Digestive imbalance

  • Adrenal fatigue

  • Nervous system issues

  • Brain fog / cognitive function

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Glucose / insulin balance

  • Pain perception dysregulation

  • Appetite increase or decrease

I take a wholistic view of your health.

During your initial assessment, we will chat about both your physical symptoms and also any mental health or emotional factors that might be having an impact on your overall health.

I honour and respect each person’s journey and where you are at. As well as being a sounding board, I can also help with facilitating testing to see if there are biomedical factors that are causing or exacerbating your symptoms.

There are several biomedical tests we can do to see if your body needs support to create balance.

Testing options include:

  • Blood tests (examines key markers for mental health in blood work - zinc, copper, B12, MTHFR gene, homocysteine, cortisol, sex hormones)

  • Adrenocortex stress profile test (this checks your cortisol response over a 12 hour period - is your stress manifesting on a physiological level?)

  • Organic acids test (this checks a wide range of mental health and neurotransmitter metabolism markers)

  • Urinary pyrrole test (this checks if your pyrrole level is elevated - for “pyrrole disorder” - can be cause of chronic anxiety, depression and gut issues)

  • Neurotransmitter profile test (this checks your serotonin, GABA, dopamine, noradrenaline, adrenaline, glutamate levels)

Once your results are back, we begin treatment.

I can help you with:

  • Conditions such as:

    • PMT mood swings

    • Perimenopausal mood changes

    • Anxiety and Panic Disorders

    • Depression and Low Mood

    • High Stress, Chronic Stress

      As well as feelings such as…

    • Loss of joy and passion for life

    • Flatness, can’t find your mojo

    • Agitation, worry and anger

  • Associated physical symptoms:

    • Hormonal imbalance

    • Weight gain

    • Digestive imbalance

    • Adrenal fatigue

    • Nervous system issues

    • Brain fog / Cognitive function

    • Sleep

    • Glucose / Insulin balance

    • Pain perception

    • Appetite

I am ready to support you

Book your initial appointment today.